17+ Elements and Principles of Design You Should Know in 2024

graphic design principles

These are the principles of design to enhance your creative genius. It provides breathing room between other design elements to highlight spaciousness. You'll learn each visual element from point to texture and how they contribute to creating a visual composition.

Balance in Graphic Design

6 Visual Design Principles. Told in Helvetica & Dingbats. - PRINT Magazine

6 Visual Design Principles. Told in Helvetica & Dingbats..

Posted: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Scale and proportion have to do with how different parts relate to each other – by size. And we also provide you with plenty of beautiful design examples, to illustrate the main points. Balance refers to how you distribute the visual weight of the page.


Of course, as a designer, don’t worry about drawing outside the lines and having fun whilst doing it! In fact, you must frequently colour outside the lines to pull away from a mediocre or a repetitive design structure, but, the beginners must first know what those prescribed lines are. So, let’s understand the ten basic design principles that will help you create stunning graphics.

How to establish hierarchy

Alignment helps develop a sharp and ordered appearance by eliminating any distortion within the layout. It represents the scale of each element by comparing their proportion and focusing on the elements that can have a strong impact on users. White space is the absence of graphics and text that breaks up the design elements on the page and gives the viewer a visual break. White or negative space—whatever color it is, since it just means blank space—can make a page less confusing, and render a design less cramped and cleaner looking. It can also clarify text elements, suggest elegance, eliminate clutter, and add emphasis.

The key is to choose the right type of balance for the specific design you’re working on. Graphic designers use alignment to create visual interest and lead the viewer’s eye through the design in a specific way. For example, designers might use alignment to group together related information or to draw attention to a particular element.

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graphic design principles

When you are Graphic Designers there are some design principles that you must know to create harmonious and good designs. These principles will help your designs to communicate clearly your ideas and how all the graphic elements of your design interact with each other. We even have a visual reminder of the five basic graphic design principles pasted on every computer monitor in the classroom! This serves as an ongoing reminder to always refer back to the principles. Take the white backgrounds of the photos, consistent typography, and repeating image sizes and layout in this design. The repetition of common elements of design creates unity among various categories of products that might seem disjointed otherwise.

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graphic design principles

Readers scan in the shape of an “F”—first, with the headline across the top, then down the left side of the page, and to the right as they identify things they find interesting. To run with the seesaw example, it would be like having a 100kg weight on one side and 100 kg of feathers stacked on the other. It still achieves balance but provides a whole different experience.

Graphic design is a sought-after skill that can help produce high-end designs to promote brands at a national and international scale. Adding graphics to your design can help you showcase your creative skills and make a good impression on your clients. Graphic design courses can equip students with the necessary skills to apply for a position in the fields of advertising or marketing across all business sectors. Learning the elements and principles of design is essential to becoming an exceptional artist or designer. Rhythm is like a combination of pattern, movement, and repetition. Picasso's work used a lot of rhythm, and other artists with a distinct brand or feel are quite rhythmic.

Designers can choose from a wide range of colour combinations for the background and text of the layout. Space refers to the area around or between the various elements of the design. It can either be used to create shapes or highlight the important aspects of a design.

If you want the lowdown on all the graphic design basics, you’ve come to the right place because we’re going to cover them all. Whereas a tool is a vital component of creating a design, too many new graphic designers jump into learning the programs before even understanding the fundamentals of graphic design. If you’re a beginner graphic designer or just a brand owner, there are some graphic design software and online tools to help you complete the task more professionally and without extra money. With the right tools and principles, your design will be ready to melt hearts.

Luckily for us, in the late 1970s, an influential designer named Dieter Rams saw this problem. In response, he asked himself what constituted good design and came up with his own list of ten principles. But if you’ve ever seen an unintelligible parking sign or a website from the early days of the web, you’ll know there’s definitely such a thing as bad design.

For example, most people will typically scan from top to bottom or from left to right, but this may vary depending on the audience and the context. Follow the grid structure to align individual design alignments, considering how element A should be aligned in relation to elements B, C, and D, and so on. You don’t need to use the same type of alignment throughout the design; you might use a combination of left, centre, and right alignment depending on the overall effect you want to create. No matter what you’re designing, the goal is to create something that’s both aesthetically pleasing and conveys a certain message.

It’s used to reinforce certain elements while also providing a sense of unity and continuity to your design. Repetition can be used to create rhythm, which helps move users through your designs. Sufficient contrast between elements, especially text and its background, is vital for creating an accessible design. People with vision impairments can have a difficult time reading text on a screen that is too small or does not have sufficient color contrast. There are accessibility tools available for checking that your designs have sufficient color contrast for accessibility purposes. Asymmetrical balance is achieved when the elements on either side of a central axis aren’t the same.

Balance is the weight distributed on the page by the placement of elements. Balance provides stability and structure to a design, either through symmetry or tension of elements. Generally there is a single message that is more important than all others, this should stand out the most and will lead the audience into the rest of the content. Contrast is the most effective way to create emphasis and impact with your design.


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